Bluetail Manifesto

Who we are
in 120 words or less

Manifesto, noun
man·i·fes·to | \ˌma-nə-ˈfe-(ˌ)stō \
plural manifestos or manifestoes
: a written statement declaring publicly the intentions, motives, or views of its issuer

Like so many of today’s new companies, Bluetail is made up of a small, talented, and diverse (both in background and location) workforce. Of course, it has taken and will continue to take great effort to attract, vet, and hire people with the right blending of experience, commitment, and attitude. Especially when said people are literally located on the other side of the country from our headquarters.

We admit that our start has been extremely fortunate. Our “mixed-bag” of carefully assembled professionals covering all facets of business and private aircraft ownership and operations has been a key component in enabling us to achieve, what we are proud to say, has been surprisingly rapid growth.

To ensure that we can continue to stay on that enviable course, we believe it’s critical that everyone who represents the Bluetail brand be on the proverbial ‘same page’ as to how we conduct ourselves with each other and our customers. While we respect and encourage individuality, there needs to be guidelines that we all adhere to.

To that end, we have crafted our Bluetail manifesto, which we’d like to share with you. Why? Aviation is a small and close-knit family, and good communications are critical to ensuring every family gets along that much better.

So here is the Bluetail Manifesto, the five key tenets that make up who we are, what we believe, and guide what we do.

We believe in passion with purpose:
Our passion is creating and delivering a WOW experience for aircraft owners, operators, and maintainers.

We believe that listening is better than talking:
We invest time listening and collaborating with our customers to deliver the best solutions possible.

We believe in the value of openly sharing information:
Freely sharing ideas – good and bad- gives us the tools to improve everything we do.

We believe in taking bold, calculated risks:
Disruption requires true courage and the willingness to take risks. Success requires we learn from our mistakes.

We believe that laughter is good for business:
Smiling and laughter create a culture of positivity, which is the foundation of growth and prosperity.

We believe in always striving to level up. 
Always. Whether it’s our processes, new projects, or a brand new tail – we want to be the very best that we an be. We got you. 

“As an early growth-stage company, there’s no map showing us where Bluetail is going, so we’re looking to our manifesto to serve as our educational compass,” stated Jake Nero, Bluetail’s director of inside sales. “In its creation, we have distilled the North, South, East, and West that form the guiding items we find are most important in guiding our individual and collective decisions.”

“While all five of our value points are key, I believe that passion with a purpose truly resonates strongly within Bluetail today,” added the company’s Director of Sales, Craig Foster, CAM. “It’s a common trait among our entire team. Each employee is 100-percent committed to taking a nascent company into a flourishing, mature enterprise. We all have a passion for contributing to aviation and a passion for contributing to Bluetail’s success.”

Passion, listening, openness, sharing, and adventure – are the elements contained in Bluetail’s 119-word manifesto. And while we’re very happy with the messaging and direction it carries, there’s no doubt that it will evolve and change to keep pace with our industry. After all, any organization that is inflexible to change is doomed to fail.

And failure, at any level, is NOT a part of Bluetail’s plan.

Metro Aviation - 3rd Largest Helicopter Operator Adopts Bluetail