Operator Part 135

Bluetail Introduces the Next Generation of Its Time Saving MACH Conformity Module

Bluetail Introduces the Next Generation of Its Time Saving MACH Conformity Module, Making Conforming Part 135 Charter Aircraft Even Faster Upgrades were based on Part 135 operator feedback, and now feature mass searches based on any related ADs, SBs, components, and inspections. Scottsdale, AZ (October 17, 2023) —Bluetail, the leading modern aircraft records platform for…
Alerion chooses Bluetail

Alerion Aviation selects Bluetail for digital aircraft maintenance and operations records management

Alerion Aviation selects Bluetail for digital airline maintenance and operation records management Bluetail’s proprietary cloud-based platform and search capabilities are crucial to help the hybrid aircraft management and charter provider meet its goal of maximizing overall efficiency. Phoenix, AZ (June 2, 2022) — Bluetail, the leading modern aircraft records platform for business aviation has announced…

Metro Aviation - 3rd Largest Helicopter Operator Adopts Bluetail